Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Loss of Apetite

Being a doctor, one of the frequent symptoms my patients come up with is loss of appetite. They either just don't feel like eating, have bitter taste in the mouth or feel full after eating a little. All these are symptoms of underlying disease.

It's the same spiritually. Our spiritual food is the Word of God!
Some people's diet is milk, some meat, some strong meat.
But whatever the person's diet is, once there is loss of appetite, the individual or caregiver knows there's a problem.

When a Christian doesn't feel like reading, studying, listening to or learning the Word of God, it is a symptom of an ongoing spiritual abnormality.

When a Believer doesn't enjoy the Word of God, doesn't get excited by God's word or gets bored after a few minutes of study, there is a cause for alarm! That child of God is on the verge of being spiritually malnourished.

Like we do in the physical world, help from a professional ought to be sought.
Note that I said professional; this is because in the physical, a lot of people seek help from the wrong places and end up being worse than they started.
Likewise in the spiritual realm, seeking help from the wrong avenue will leave you worse than you started.

So, back to the professional help!
In every hospital setting, we have the attending doctors and we have the consultant ( specialists in particular fields).
Similarly in the Faith, our pastors and spiritual leaders are the attending doctors and the Holy Spirit is our Consultant.

The good news however is that unlike the physical world, we have access to the Consultant( the Holy Spirit) anytime, any day. And consultation is entirely free!

Please let's consult with our professionals whenever we notice this simple but deadly symptom.
It is a sign of impending spiritual starvation. And ultimately death.

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